issues about the hours I sleep and the nights that I sleep poorly do not affect my mood. I always make the best of being awake at night when I have nights like that and I don't fret about not being able to fall asleep right away. I take every day, good or bad, in stride. I don't believe that cognitive behavioral therapy would be beneficial. The sleep specialist then told me that cognitive behavioral therapy takes months to make any difference at all, which appeared to be a disclaimer when there are no results from the therapy. Needless to say, I was frustrated, disappointed and angry. I also had an appointment with the rheumatologist and he is in agreement with me regarding the importance of sleep and this is the first priority in treating fibromyalgia. The rheumatologist and I are partnering on improving my quality of sleep. Our current strategy is to increase the dose of Elavil, which seems to currently be beneficial, although I am not taking a therapeutic dose yet. I am titrating the Elavil up slowly to avoid side effects.
The reality is the medical professionals don't know much about sleep. And that is truly the bad news for all of us that deal with fibromyalgia every day. Doctors that aren't involved with research have a difficult time thinking outside of the box. They are programmed to think differential diagnosis and to problem solve by thinking through the standards of care and protocols. The doctors that are able to think outside of the box are those that are involved with research and their entire practice is influenced by their ability to be a creative thinker and problem solver. It is interesting to talk with a research physician, because they tend to think out loud, which provides a window into how their brain works. They partner with their patients better and have the ability to listen to their patients more intently. Of course I am making a generalization, which will always come back to bite me! Ha! There are certainly exceptions to this generalization.
So getting back to fibromyalgia and sleep disturbance, this is a very real disturbance that cannot be measured by the current sleep study methods. And so the search for answers continues. I was hoping that I would learn something valuable from the sleep study that I could share with all of you. I do have a good idea where the treatment dead ends are and they are numerous, but still very valuable information. You know that Thomas Edison experienced many dead ends and valued that he had learned what didn't work. That's how he invented the lightbulb. All that learning takes a great deal of stamina, endurance and unrelenting faith. Unlike Thomas Edison, there are many researchers around the world working on finding better treatments and learning the mechanism of fibromyalgia. There are also many people involved in their care and finding solutions of their own. There are avenues for providing the support fibromyalgia sufferers need to meet the challenges every day and that is truly wonderful. I am a member of an online fibromyalgia forum and the people on this forum are loving, caring and supportive people that are willing to give to others when they themselves are in so much pain and misery. It is so amazing that people struggling with their own debilitating illness have so much capacity to give to others. These are remarkable people and I suspect if you suffer from fibromyalgia that you are one of these people too.
Hi Valda, Heres a quote I like... "Imagination is more important then knowledge"-Albert Einstein . This may be where so many drs. fail.They lose the ability to reach beyond the textbooks. Lori
Hi Lori, You are right about that; doctors are trained to think methodically and not let all the outside "noise" interfere with decision making. In all fairness, it's a tough job. But when they need to think outside of the box, they can't do it. Thanks for your comment! Warmly, Valda
Hi,I have great respect for drs.I admire their intelligence and know most have compassion.Dealing with chronic illness patients must really be frustrating for them as well as it is for us. I love the picture of Wills!
Wills is my little feral kitty. He had been abused and had a pellet in his chest from an air rifle. He is such a gentle kitty and really responded to TLC. He starts purring when he sees me! Ha!
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