
Friday, December 14, 2012

Life is so fragile and each day is a gift

So many things in this world are difficult to understand, but none is more uncomprehensible than the senseless taking of a human life.  We all struggle to make sense of the seemingly random acts of violence that have occurred in our schools, shopping centers, restaurants, theaters and other public places and in our homes too.  We experience an array of emotions in response to these acts, including anger, sadness, grief and loss, and frustration.  We feel the tremendous grief and pain these families are in and wish there was a way to ease their pain.  In response to these emotions we search for remedies so this never happens again.  Psychologists attempt to identify the "warning signs" that indicate the breaking point of a human mind, but there are no easy identifiable signs.  The isolation and powerlessness that people may feel can push the limits of the mind, but each person deals with life's challenges differently.  When attempting to identify the cause of such violent acts, people tend to focus on the obvious "problem":  availability of firearms or possibly the prevalence of violent movies and video games in the U.S..  Conneticut has one of the stricktest gun laws of all the 50 states and it happened there today.  Twenty-seven precious lives were lost.  So what is the real problem that results in so much tragedy?  To identify the real problem it would be necessary to trace the clues backwards.  There are usually deep seated psychological problems brewing that erupt into a tragic event.  It is difficult to identify a specific catalyst.

Regardless of the origin of today's event, it is a sad day for all people in the U.S. and the world.  Many countries around the world are experiencing tragic events that have resulted in the loss of many lives.  Today's tragic loss of life in Conneticut is a graphic reminder of all the lives lost and we all grieve together and ask why.  During this time of year when we are focused on peace, love, and generosity it is especially shocking that this atrocity could happen.

Life is fragile and fleeting and very precious.  Every day we have is a gift and we must never forget that.  The challenges we face each day are just reminders that we are still alive and so we must celebrate the challenges and find emotional support in each other.  These tragic events are an opportunity to review our values, our priorities and our own actions.  It is a time to make personal decisions to be a little more grateful, considerate of others and value ourselves and others.  A generous and forgiving spirit is the path to self content and peace.  The stress of these events takes its toll on us all.  Those of us with fibromyalgia experience this stress with more fatigue, more pain, more digestive disturbance, more cognitive problems, more insomnia, more headaches . . . we feel the pain of others.  And so it goes for all people in our communities too.  I am sending out a little prayer for all people in this world experiencing the pain of loss and grief.  I am so sad for their loss, and I hope they find peace and consolation in the love of friends and family.  Blessings to you all and may you embrace each day and all those you love and hold dear.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Have you seen the front page of Good News Network? You are the feature!