Sympathy means that someone feels sorry for me . . . I sure don't need that. And I don't need to spend time feeling sorry for myself either. That leads to a downward spiral. The one thing I do need is to take care of myself in ways that others may not even imagine. I avoid negative people and their negative energy because that takes a big toll. I listen carefully to my body, because the body rules. If I ignore what my body wants I risk going into a total fm flare. That's probably the hardest part, because my brain wants to rule and I have to work at holding it back. The inability to keep up with others due to low energy is probably the hardest part for me. I plan my activity very carefully to avoid getting into a flare, because once that starts it's hard to recover and then I miss life as it goes swiftly by. Socialization takes so much energy and although I thorougly enjoy it, I am always totally exhausted and in pain afterwards. But it is usually worth it!
So as we raise awareness for invisible illness, I know I'm in good company and that in itself is comforting. I'm so sorry you are so sick, but I sure appreciate your company. Take good care and may you find peace in each day.