The last month has been so busy for me and I have had little time to write. Since I have been on CPAP for several months my energy has been coming up and I am to the point where I actually want to be involved with something other than staying home. I couldn't figure out what that would be so I let it go and waited to see what would come my way. My husband needed to have an ultrasound done so the day we went to the imaging department I found myself looking for a good magazine to pass the time. There was nothing but Sports Illustrated and Golf!! I persistently went through the magazines hoping there was something else that may be of interest. Sure enough there was a magazine Success from Home. I snatched up the magazine and began going through it. This particular issue featured the company Nerium International, a revolutionary skin care company. I was completely intrigued with the product, which boasted an age-defying effect that would take 10 to 12 years off your face. Oh my gosh! This was it!! This company was what I had been looking for and when I let go, it appeared to me. I called the Independent Brand Partner, Angi, listed on the magazine front and she informed me that there was a Real Results Party the next evening. So I went. The positive energy in the room was unbelieveable and I met a large group of fabulous women and men. So I signed up to be an Independent Brand Partner. It has been so fun to be part of a company that offers me complete flexibility and the ability to make some extra money that could turn into some serious money. I feel better, I am more hopeful and my energy continues to rise. Who would ever think a magazine could have so much power to change lives?? The corporate culture is to give back and serve others. The mission statement?? To make people better. So as a retired RN I am back to serving others and helping people be the best they can be.

Meanwhile, I have used the day cream and night cream for 3 weeks and I have seen remarkable results. Amazing! So off I go on another life adventure. I hope every day is an adventure for you. Don't give up on yourself and fibromyalgias tenacious hold on you. You can minimize the effects of this illness and get your life back one more time. Blessings to you!!